Sunday, January 12, 2020



In the mid-1930s, Rabindranath Tagore’s Vishwa Bharati university at Shantiniketan ran into financial difficulties (note: set up in 1901 as a unique school and established as a university in 1921 ,Vishwa Bharati got no govt funds and was largely dependent on personal donations till 1951) . The aged Tagore was forced to travel across the country with his troupe of performers and his paintings. Shows and exhibitions were set up in various cities. And so desperate was the financial crunch that the 75 yr old poet would, at times, conclude the show with personally getting up on stage and requesting the audience for some more money!
The following is a series of letters (AND ACTION) when this ‘begging expedition’ became known!

Santiniketan, (Birbhum)
12th September 1935
My dear Mahatmaji,
I am glad Suren had an opportunity to discuss with you in detail the financial situation of the asrama during his recent visit to Wardha. I know how busy you are with your various activities and though I have often thought of telling you of my difficulties I have never done so before.....Over thirty years I have practically given my all to this mission of my life and so long
as I was comparatively young and active I faced all my difficulties unaided and through my struggles the institution grew up in its manifold aspects. And now, however, when I am 75 feel the burden of my responsibility growing too heavy for me.....Constant begging excursions with absurdly meagre results added to the strain of my daily anxieties .... Now I know of none else but yourself whose words may help....
With deepest love,
Rabindranath Tagore

--- ---
13 October 1935
Dear Gurudev,
Your touching letter was received only on 11th inst. when I was in the midst of meetings....Yes, I have the financial position before me now. You may depend upon my straining every nerve to find the required money. I am groping. I am trying to find the way out. It will take sometime before I can report the result of my search to you.
It is unthinkable that you should have to undertake another begging mission at your age. The necessary funds must come to you without your having to stir out of Santiniketan.
With reverential love,
M.K. Gandhi
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27 March 1936
Dear Gurudev,
God has blessed my poor effort. And here is the money.
Yours with love,
M.K. Gandhi
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27 March 1936
Respected Sir,
Please find the enclosed draft for Rs.60,000 which we believe is the deficit on the expenses on Shantiniketan to cover for which you have been exhibiting your art from place to place. When we heard this we felt humiliated. We believe that at your advanced age and in your weak state of health you ought not to have to undertake these arduous tours..... We hope that you will now cancel all the engagements taken for raising the sum above mentioned.
Praying for your long life to continue the service you are rendering to our country.
We remain
Your Humble Countrymen
(probably, the bulk of this money came from GD Birla)
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ps: Tagore 'had the habit' of requesting every Indian stalwart to support Vishwa Bharati after his demise. nehru and gandhi topped the list, but subhas and sarat bose, sp mukherjee, azad - all were there ... and in 1951, parliament unanimously voted for the vishwa bharati act and made it the first central university.

(Ref: The Mahatma and The Poet. Letters and Debates between Gandhi and Tagore 1915-1941, edited by Sabyasachi Bhattacharyya, 1997;
pic: wikimedia commons)

(written as a facebook post in 2018)

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