Monday, February 3, 2020


We do know that the Mahabharat (the great story of the Bharat dynasty (not India)) - composed and compiled between 400BCE and 400CE -  is perhaps the greatest database of human nature, actions based on variations of that nature and the consequences of those actions. It has been cited and recited in all its variations a few trillion times. and yet, people often tend to overlook the  uncomfortable 'dark' truth that forms a central take-home message of the epic.
the Mahabharat is family tussle - for property. Legal subtleties aside, it is the story of the eldest born being denied the property that was his, and he finally getting it back. its a classic intra-family case for land and power; with court verdicts, extra-court settlement attempts, loyalties and betrayals and finally he-who-fights-best-gets-the-riches. the rest of the great epic are largely accretion to this central core.

but what happened in this endless attempt to get the property?? think about it. the Pandavas were in their early to mid-40s when they fought the battle. and at the end of 18 days they had it. BUT, ALL THEIR SONS WERE DEAD!!!

for who was the kingdom now??? were they wrong? no...but was the kingdom worth their sons??? .....and why only the 5 men? Draupadi , Shubhadra and Gandhari - all sons dead! but at least they are the upper-caste upper-class women whose grief we know of. How about Hirimba or Ulupi ? Single mums from non-aryan tribes(?) who sent their only sons to fight for the superstar-fathers who didnt even know them well....thatz a tragedy Vyas et al don't even record properly, isnt it?

you can ponder on all that. these are open questions for all Time. but one thing for sure, Vyas and cowriters hit it hard - fighting among yourselves for what could be shared - cos the earth of India is rich and has space for all - is going to be very very costly, even for the winner whoever it is....and this is relevant when they wrote it ~2000 years ago, and equally relevant in 2020 today....

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